Boyd and Diane Jensen

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lollop At Your Own Risk

A new word for the day is lollop (to loll, or lounge)

Don't ever try to whollop
Your kids when they lollop,
Or when they try to doll up
Like an English trollop.
Instead simply call up
A mean Sunrise Mall cop.

Grandpa Jensen

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dang that Prang

I am back with the word of the day. It is prang (to cause to crash)

The midnight train began to clang 
When the foul Sleepy Hollow gang
Rode up on palomino and mustang
Their blazing guns going bang, bang
Causing the chugging train to prang.
On Monday Loredo's church bells rang
As folks watched the desperadoes hang
While the town's choir heartily sang
Even kids watched the whole shebang.

Grandpa Jensen