Boyd and Diane Jensen

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #23

Today's word is bazoo (the mouth)

Samuel visited the famous Bronx Zoo
Where he played his tin plated kazoo.
He played it so bad
A baboon got real mad
And smacked poor Sam in the bazoo!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yo Dad #22

Good morning Christmas Eve day!

Today's word is traik (to trudge, walk tiredly)

There once was a fine young Blair named Jake,
Who began to traik a long trek by Donner lake.
He staggered along
Singing a sad song
While trying to devour an enormous pancake.

For heaven's sake, shake and bake, Jake!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #21

Today's word is ulu (an Eskimo boat)

There once was an Eskimo named Xulu
Who owned a used four seater ulu.
Xulu put it up for trade on E-Bay
And traded it the following day,
For spears from Bulu, an African Zulu.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #20

Today's word is pah (used as an exlamation of disgust)

When Mortimer's aging pa
Saw the pile of cold slaw
Concocted by his mama,
Old pa screamed, pah!
And called in the law
Causing lots of hoopla,
After a sock on his jaw
From his wife's big paw
She giggled "ha ha ha.
My slaw may be blah,
But your jaw will be raw."

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yo #19

Today's word is jones (to have a strong craving for something)

There was a dietician named Jones,
Who had an incredibly strong jones
For chocolate and ice cream cones.
He spent most of the day on his phones
Ordering goodies from nine time zones.
Jones could feel desserts in his bones.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #18

The word of the day is clept (to call by name)

From his sleigh Santa lept.
Over the rooftop he crept.
Down the chimney so adept
While tired Blair kids slept.
But Santa was woefully inept.
His reindeer he couldn't clept.
Now Dunder, uh, er, (he wept.)
Go Blitzkreig...on...on...Comept
Santa should have been prepped.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yo Vocab Dad #17

Today's word is mazy (full of confusing turns and passages)

There was a young lady named Daisy
Lost in a maize maze that was mazy.
She turned left, she turned right,
For 3 years dropped out of sight
Finally returning a bit hazy and crazy.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Yo Dad #16

Today's word is randy (a rude person)

A randy asked Sandy
For some of her candy
Which she had handy.
That was find and dandy
But is was full of brandy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Yo Vocab #15

The word for today is bortz (a low quality diamond)

A lass named Samantha Swartz,
Liking all kinds of outdoor sports,
Is a tennis player on the courts
Sam wears pink Bermuda shorts,
And her body is covered with warts.
Her new wedding ring is just bortz,
That's not much better than quartz.
No wonder Sam is so out of sorts.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #14

The new word is igg (to ignore)

A hungry pig ate a fig
While jigging a big jig
That he just couldn't igg.
He executed a wiggly zig,
Now he's in the piggy brig.
Do you dig?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #13 (I know this word BTW)

Today's word is toting (carrying by hand)

There once was a cheat named Pete
Who snuck into a religious retreat
Where one hundred greeting nuns
Toting new repeating pellet guns,
Peppered Pete the Cheat in the seat.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #12

Runtisa (a small person or animal)

There once was a runtisa named Lisa
Who approached customs with her visa.
"You can't come in here!
Because dear lady I fear
You're smaller than a Cheezer's pizza."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #11

Today's word is bhoot (a small whirlwind)

A feather twirled in a bhoot through the air.
And it tumbled from Sacramento to Zaire.
Since it doesn't have eyes
It could not really surmise
If it had floated from here or from there.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #10

Today's word is wifty (silly, eccentric)

A silly left-handed dog's named Lefty.
Many consider him peculiarly wifty.
He's very careless and free
And considers himself to be
A hearing-ear dog, wow, that is nifty.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #9

Today's word is swink (to toil).

I saw a pink mink
under our zinc sink
slurping a big drink
of bubbly blue ink.
He gave me a wink
and started to swink
like a rattled rat-fink.
What do you think
of the rinky-dink mink?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #8

Today's word is scurf (scaly or shreeded dry skin).

My scurf came off in the surf
while playing with a Nerf,
so I'm looking for new turf.
Does Elche* still say "erf, erf?"

*Elche-our 15 year old dog

Monday, November 17, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #7

Today's word is weet (to know)

It is always a bird treat
when a crow in the wheat
Gives a simple tweet-tweet
and a caw-caw so sweet.
Then you weet in the heat
he'll beat time with his feet.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #6

Happy Sabbath!

Today's word is ajiva (inanimate matter)

Bippo the Hippo's saliva
Is not really ever ajiva
When he goes to the pool
Huge lips starting to drool,
Attempting a belly-flop diva.

Grandpa, (who is always ajiva when he is watching tennis on TV)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #5

Today's word is plew (beaver skin)

A hunter named Lou
Went to the Bronx zoo
To find a blue plew
On a beaver where it grew.
He didn't have a clue
That this was taboo
And a hostile zoo crew
Wouldn't let him through.
Now Lou is in a big stew.
He boo-hooed, wouldn't you?


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #4

Today's word is ohing (to exclaim in surpirse, pain, or desire.)

Amazingly while I was rowing
Past a whale that was blowing
I saw a knowing crow crowing
At a small Apache chief sewing
A loin cloth that was flowing,
For a rich guru without knowing
How much he would be owing.
No wonder I kept oh, ohing.


ohing because his debts were growing

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #3

Today's word is smaze (an atmospheric mixture of smoke and haze).

I stand all amazed
And am really quite dazed
When I gaze at cows graze
Out in fields filled with smaze
In these smoky latter days.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yo Dad Vocab #2

Today's word is moue (a small grimace or pout)

Amazing scenes, I have seen quite a few
During my lifetime looking back for a view.
A lame horse wearing an open-toed shoe.
I've heard a few ugly ghosts screech Boo!
Many gorgeous purple cows go moo, moo.
An enormous blue whale when he blew,
And once a caribou at the zoo go achoo!
Witnessed a gangly blue gnu go whew, too.
Even a few Siberian choo-choos go choo.
But of all those amazing things I review,
I've never seen you moue and that's true.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Changed up the blog list

I decided to utilize the blog list function of blogger, so I added the blogs to a blog list. THe blogs are now listed in order of the most recently updated, with the title of the most recent post. You can keep an eye on the family blog to see if any of the family has updated their blog recently. If amy of you would like to be added to the blog list, added as a contributor to the blog, or any other questions, please let me know!

We look forward to seeing you all at the end of the month!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Marcia's 50th Birthday!

Marcia is the Princess of the Ball!

We decided to celebrate Marcia's Birthday by having a surprise Princess Party! No over the hill here! Instead, we made sure she had a beautiful birthday crown, complete with matching clip-on earrings, princess themed plates, cups, and napkins, and her favorite kind of cake and ice cream, german chocolate and chocolate with almonds.
Nathan wishes Mom a Happy Birthday

The Cake with all 50 candles!

Can she blow out 50 candles with one breath? Well, she did. You know what that means. This princess' wishes will come true! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

"The Break Up"

Just some more news from Provo! Cecily's blog, Plain Vanilla, was just highlighted this week in the Deseret News. She wrote a really funny piece about graduating and the Harold B. Library called "The Break Up." If you haven't had a chance to look at it, make some time because it's simply delightful!

Here's the link to the Deseret News site:

Congratulations Cecily! You're on your way to being a fantastic columnist!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Festival of Colors in Provo

The Festival of Colors is Hindu holiday that welcomes the coming of Spring. Participant celebrate by eating, dancing, singing, and throwing different colored paint powders at each other. It was a blast.
Val Summers, Cecily, Megan, and Allie Harris making a mess of things.
Here's Cecily all pretty in Pink.

Monday, April 7, 2008

General Conference with the Stapps

Here are some photos from Sunday morning after conference:

Friday, March 28, 2008


Here's a photo of the kids on Easter morning all dressed up and ready to go to church.

We had a wonderful Easter. On Saturday the kids enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt at their pediatrician's office. They put on a fun hunt and the kids came away with lots of fun stuff.

Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful visit with Megan, Cecily and Allison Harris and Rachel Stapp. They joined us for our Easter dinner, and they were wonderful guests. After our dinner was over we enjoyed some time on the Wii and watched an old video of Megan's High School graduation party. It was fun to see everyone singing Karaoke!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


It was a wonderful Easter Party. A perfect day -- hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Let's get this blog running agan!

Hi All. I thought I would post here, since the blog hasnt' seen any action since just after Thanksgiving. We hope that you all are well.

For those of you who will be in the area..Joelle's Baptism will be in Saturday the 1st of March. We would love to have any of you who can make it, attend. We were hoping to come back there to do a combo with Eliza, but the funds just aren't there for the trip.

I hope you all are well!