Boyd and Diane Jensen

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What happens when you leave Dad home alone

Stephen was home alone and this is what he did to entertain himself. We love him!

20th Anniversary of Strauss

Another Strauss Festival has come and gone 20 years -- hard to believe. Our family is so grateful that Diane said "yes" she would help that very first year.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sample Lady

Yes, it is true -- Courtney is now a sample lady at Costco. Isn't the hairnet to cute? On her first day of work she almost cut her thumb off with a can of chicken. So, today they had her give samples of a sports drink -- kinda hard to get hurt on a plastic container. We had fun visiting her today. I did find out that I am not a fan of sports drinks.

Trying to post photos from CA trip, but blogger is having issues... is a photo of Joelle from an evening at the park near my parents house. Tried to load a photo of Liam playing basketball too, but Blogger doesn't want to let me load anymore photos right now! So more to come later, including a new Ultrasound photo from our Ultrasound in the drs office yesterday!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Michael's Fabulous Birthday
Eliza and Joelle
Julia Stapp
Samuel Stapp
Anthony and David

Baby boy names: Okay here are a few of my picks:

Everett (and you could call him Rett)

That is all I can think of for now but I may be able to come up with a few more with some more thoughts.

And we are excited to have another cute boy in the family -- I am looking forward to seeing if it will be another red head.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Baby name contest.

We are stuck on a name for our little baby boy. We have 2 names that we like, but we are not sure...they are just the only ones we like so far. So here goes a contest to help us name our little one. Leave a comment on our blog with name suggestions (remember I like the names to be a little different, but not wierd). If you are the first to suggest a name and we choose that name we will send you a prize. The names we like so far are Kimball and Byron (so you can't pick those!) Post away and see if you can win a fun prize (and have the glory, being able to claim that you named our son) We will also be running this contest on my personal blog, so before you post a name you may want to check and see if it has been posted over there!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Pink or Blue?

So ya wanna know what we are having? Check out my personal blog at

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July was awesome!!

4th of July was once again a wonderful time!! Thanks to Caryn for hosting and Steve for the awesome fireworks display!!

Aren't these 3 year olds just too cute??

Great Show!

I will upload more fireworks photos later, photo upload is having issues at the moment!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

We just wanted to test this out and see if it is working. Nicole did some amazing face paiting yesterday. That was a fun party by the way. We are excited to see everyone today at the Stapps and to see some great fireworks!

My first blog :Food glorious food!

Wow! finally putting on my first blog. Tried to avoid it as long as I could, but I guess it was inevitable. At least I have not text messaged yet!

Here is Tyler with is first meal. Sleeping through thte night again now that we started the cereal!

ps. ever see a sleeping buzz lightyear?

I think I have figured it out, testing
