Boyd and Diane Jensen

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Turkeys can do genealogy?

Good Sabbath:

A new word is Nixie (a female water sprite)

There once was a turkey named Tom
Who went to
He found a Nixie in his line
Who was an ancestor of mine,
She was his mom's mom's mom.

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Huge Woman

Try this word. Zingy (enjoyably exciting)

I wonder if I shall ever see
A huge woman in the sea
Holding a torch thingy
That would be zingy,
She's the Statue of Liberty.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh Rubbish!

The word is dreck (rubbish)

I'm always a nervous wreck
When I find lots of dreck
On my redwood deck.
It's a pain in the neck,
Oh well, what the heck!

Grandpa Jensen

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hulla Baloo

The word today is hullabaloo (an uproar , or fuss)

If you sneak up behind a gnu
At the new Sacramento zoo
And scream boo!
He will charge you
Causing a hullabaloo
And you'll be scared too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Le mot (French for the word) of the day is zerk (a grease fitting)

A young French soda jerk
Wore a smile and a smirk
As he greased a zerk
In his prized pink '55 Merc.
The engine began to perk,
But then it went berserk.
Alas, it just didn't work.