Boyd and Diane Jensen

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grok Walk

Thursday's word is grok (to understand intuitively)

Some don't need the ticktock 
Of the old grandfather's clock
When it's time for their walk.
For them it's a matter of grok.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not In Church!!!

A new word for the day is thew (a well developed muscle)

When you're caught flexing your thew
Sunday while sitting in a church pew
Like many American musclemen do,
Your ward members will have no clue
How your enormous arm muscle grew
(And left leg muscle, too). Who knew?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Overweight Cow?

The word...jokey (amusing)

It wasn't too jokey
I'll tell you right now.
I was thrown in the poky
With an overweight cow.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Take it Easy

The word is hoolie (easy, slow)

There was an old Chinese coolie
Who walked across the great wall.
He pulled his rickshaw so hoolie
It took spring, summer, and fall.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wonky Donkey

The word is wonky (unsteady)

There was once a three-legged donkey
Whose gallop was ridiculously wonky.
He ran down  the road
Like an inebriated toad,
As unsteady as a peg-legged monkey.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Cat Sipping Juice

The word...belike (perhaps)

You don't want to be like Dr. Seuss
Who wrote about the constant abuse,
Of a cross-eyed Canada goose 
And a three-antlered female moose.
Belike you had better stay loose
And write about an Indian papoose,
Maybe an outlaw with neck in a noose,
Or a Cheshire cat sipping juicy-juice,
Even the Afghan Taliban calling a truce.
Oh well, maybe not, what's the use?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A wonderful, amazing and beautiful word and poem...

The word for today is gobbledygook (using 2, or 3, or 10 words in the place of one)

I read in a thousand paged book
About an educated Harvard spook
Who spoke only in gobbledygook.
It is really not a grammarian fluke
That the scholar has always forsook
Simple phrases like Gad Zooks!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Just a Faze

Today's word is feeze (to faze) 

I get very weak in the knees
When I hear someone sneeze, 
Or at the buzzing of irate bees,
And at mice nibbling my cheese.
But I am not prone to feeze
By a soft gentle breeze,
Or at drunk monkeys in trees
In the dense jungles of Belize.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Feeding on the Good Word

Today's word is kerfuffle (a disorderly outburst or tumult)

Marcia tried her best to muffle
Her Valiant 9's boisterous kerfuffle.
The boys were so unruly,
Teasing the girls unduly.
She finally calmed the mad shuffle 
By giving each a chocolate truffle.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Banking Crisis*

A new word.  gwine (to move along)

At the corner of Hollywood and Vine
Is a bank where I stood in a long line.
It seemed it took forever to gwine.
After three hours I was feeling fine,
And began singing "Ald Lang Syne".
I reached the teller about five "O" nine,
When I noticed the "we're closed" sign.
I began to complain, whimper and whine.
They said, "come tomorrow, you swine,"
And are now very close enemies of mine.

*all the fine poetry is attributed to W. Boyd Jensen, but I take the credit for the Titles!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Another True Story!

The word...moxie (skill or daring)

A Czechoslovakian girl named Roxie
Was thought by Czechs to be foxily foxy.
She jumped off of a mile high cliff,
Landed upside down in a snow drift,
Some said, "wow that Roxie has moxie."

P.S.  Some Czechs really thought, "what the heck,"
        Roxie is nothing more than a bounced Czech." 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A True Story

Today the word is equinox (When day and night are the same length)

Curtis never changes his socks,
During the autumnal equinox  
That is when he sets all his clocks,
Waters his flocks and Holly Hocks,
And when he throws small rocks
At neighbors in adjoining blocks.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Posted by Crayola-Some kids on the block nicknamed me that!!


The word is sobriquet (nickname, pronounced so-bri-kay)

Can you deny that Nick's name
Is an abbreviated nickname?

Nay, nay, you cannot, I say!
'tis an interesting sobriquet,
That is short for Nicholas, hooray!
He came out of the faucet that way.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cakey-tending to form lumps

Today's word is cakey (tending to form lumps)

There was a young chap who was flaky.
His taut muscles were decidedly achy.
His abs had a series of lumps,
A bunch of little goose bumps
His whole body was shaky and cakey.