Boyd and Diane Jensen

Monday, March 30, 2009

umm, well umm

The word is umm (used to indicate hesitation)

Whey you are out with a chum
And he offers you some gum,
Flavored with Jamaican rum,
Please don't be incredibly dumb
And say "umm, I'd like some."
Answer, "I promised my mum,
Not to take rum gum from a bum."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dotter Daughter

Today's word is dotter (one that dots)

Papa shouldn't have bought her
That elusive wild sea otter.
She threw him back in the water.
And the papa then got her
A Himalayan fly swatter
With instructions that taught her
About flies she could slaughter.

But the best think he got her
Was a pen, paper, and blotter.
She then became less a daughter
And much more a dot dotter.

Grandpa Jensen

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sad Dog Poem

Today's word is yoiks (used to encourage hunting hounds)

 He yelled at his sleeping hounds,
Using one of the world's funniest sounds.
The hunter's lazy beagle dogs
Lay there like twenty dead logs
So he dropped them off at the dog pound.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday Word-Adunc

The word of the day is adunc (bent inward)

When a Spanish monastic monk
Met the Pope his body was adunc
He bowed so very low
His nose touched his toe
Caramba! poh! pht! It really stunk.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pinocchio--Trials Before Becoming a Real Boy

The word is pud (pudding)

Pinocchio was offered some food,
Including a delicious caramel pud.
The boy said "It looks terribly good,
And I would if I possibly could,
But my tummy is made out of wood.
We puppets are so misunderstood!"

Grandpa Jensen

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beaten By Courtney

Today's limerick is beat-boxing, beat-boxer (a form of vocal percussion)

Our Courtney's a beat-boxer extraordinaire.
Her incredible sounds fill the still night air.
She mimics drums, cymbals and trumpets,
While sipping cocoa and crunching crumpets
Thus thrilling audiences from here to Zaire.

Grandpa Jensen

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The word today is pinguid (greasy)

If you ever handle a pinguid squid
Like I did when I was a little kid,
You'll let out a squeamish squeal
Then miss your afternoon meal
And run away and hide, like I did.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cooter - A Turtle

Today's word is cooter (a turtle)

A sports loving green cooter
Invited a lonely barn owl hooter
(Who was somewhat cuter)
For a ride on his pewter scooter
To a game where he was a rooter.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Naughty Cecily!! Ooooooo!

A new word for the day is jotty (written down quickly)

Cecily was so naughty.
Her school notes were blotty.
Her i's were not dotty
Because they were jotty.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Palin D. Rome

Today's word is palindrome (a word that reads the same forward and backward)

In his original Eden home
Adam used a palindrome.
"Madam, I'm Adam"

And not to be outdone
The first girl gave him one.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Smeeking Greek Freak!

Today's word is smeek (to smoke)

Zeke went down to the creek
And saw a wandering Greek
Who was starting to smeek.
Meek Zeke commenced to speak.
"Smeeking will make you weak
And look like a Greek geek.
You'll make the forest reek,
As birds sniff with their beaks
And choking deer go eek, eek!
Chipmunk's with large cheeks
Full of smoke will have to squeak.
Is this really what you seek
My smeeking Greek freak?"

Your non-smeeking Grandpa Jensen