Boyd and Diane Jensen

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jimpy--Neatly Dressed

The new word for the day is jimpy (neatly dressed)

A kangaroo was limpy,
Two ton Tillie was blimpy,
King Kong was chimpy,
Tiny Tim was very gimpy,
Mr. Milquetoast was wimpy,
Mr. Goodwrench was crimpy,
The Lollipop Guild was impy,
And the jungle's Tarzan was jimpy.
As he swung from his chimp's tree.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today's new word is wisha (an interjection used to express surprise)

Did any of you ever say wisha!
When da basketball didn't swisha?
Or you dropped mamma's disha?
Or you didn't catcha da big fisha?
Or when dinner didn't tasta delicia?
Or when old friends didn't mish ya?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

bawtie-baw wow

Today's word is bawtie (a dog)

You can put a bow tie on a guy,
But never on a growling bawtie.
It will definitely make him cry
And whimper a sad dog sigh.
His tail will wag a fond bye bye
As he asks himself why, oh, why?
I'd rather be hit with a cherry pie.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Gloppy- A Messy Mass Covered with Glop!

Today's word is gloppy (covered with glop, a messy mass or mixture)

Sarah's old pink jalopy
Was extremely gloppy
Caryn's California poppy
Was droopy and sloppy.
Rachelle's rabbit was so hoppy
And her horse was clip cloppy.
Marcia went to shoppy
For a computer floppy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Frizz--formation of tight, small curls

Today's word is frizz (to form into small, tight curls)

If you ever come upon a hibernating grizz
Who slumbers quietly and hasn't yet rizz,
Don't check to see if his fur is up in frizz
Because it is none of your bizz, just hizz.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Don't Skelp My Face

Today's word is skelp (to slap)

A young girl at the zoo gave a yelp
When an orangutan gave her skelp.
Her name was Eliza
And it is no surpriza
That three zebras came over to help.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Snool Snool Snool

Today's word is snool (to yield meekly)

I know this is cruel,
And I'm sure that you'll
Exercise the golden rule

But I once knew a fool,
The kind of guy who'll
As a general rule
Whimper and drool
And continue to snool
While riding his mule
Past the local pool
Wearing a costly jewel.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

FANTOD--man I'm emotional!!!

Today's word is fantod (an emotional outburst)

A young lad named Alex had a fantod,
Then whipped Elche, his dog, with a rod.
Some might think it not right
To punish a canine at night,
But that bad dog swallowed Alex's I-Pod.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Spurtle--meaning a stick for stirring porridge

The word of the day is spurtle (a stick for stirring porridge)

Mythical Myrtle the turtle
Wore a fringed purple girdle,A
nd she used a long spurtle
So her porridge wouldn't curdle.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Serry--meaning to crowd together

The word of the day is serry (to crowd together)

The people were quite merry
When they began to serry
On the crowded Seattle ferry.
Jerry said, "this is real scary!"
Larry said, "yes, very, very!"
As they sank in the estuary.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chook--meaning a chicken

Today's word is chook (a chicken)

There once was a chook by a babbling brook
Who was reading a foul turkey cook book.
He learned how to instantly sautee
Big gobblers in a miraculous way,
1,000 degrees for two minutes is all it took.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Voacb Dad Yo #40

Today's word is fabber (fabulous)

Some think it is fabulously fabber,
To constantly gossip and jabber.
But they'd have better days
If they offered uplifting praise,
That would be a real fine grabber.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yo Dad Vocab #39

A new word for you...wodge (a chunk of something)

Samuel was on the way to the lodge,
Through the air flew a mysterious wodge.
He moved left, he moved right
Until it disappeared out of sight.
Some say Sam made an "artful dodge."

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dad Vocab #38

Today's word is goa (an Asian gazelle)

There once was a very fast goa,
Who thought he was an African boa.
He met a hungry lion named Noah
And now the poor goa is no moah.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yo Dad Vocab #37

Today's word is iwis (certainly)

I iwis wish I had some iris.
I iwis wish Bin Ladin had a virus.
I iwis wish this was written on papyrus.
I iwis wish Michael's name was Cyrus.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Yo Vocab #36

Today's word is hongi (to greet each other by pressing noses together)

There once was an Eskimo named Mose,
Who had icicles dangling from his nose.
He gave a hongi to some strangers
(Seventeen lost Canadian forest rangers)
Resulting in seventeen noses that froze.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Remembering a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.
I really like this look across and can see Rachel and Julia just like a reflection of Ciara and Katie.

Cecily Harris, Allie Harris, Rachel Stapp, Katie Jensen, Ciara Jensen and Julia Stapp. Aren't they just beautiful. Diane has some beautiful grandchildren.

Michael Anderson, Alex Stapp and Nathan Harris. Okay they are beautiful too!

Yo Dad Vocab #35

Today's word is loid (to open a spring lock by using a piece of celluloid)

Rebekah had a very corroded lock.
Which was rusted as solid as a rock.
She tried to open it using a loid,
Yelled out "heavens to Mergatroid!"
Then opened it by giving it a big sock.